Thursday, April 28, 2011

Homemade Yummies!

Apricot Tarts are a little something that i grew up making with my grandma and mommy. depending on what brand you buy, apricots are very sweet and tangy( i like a lot of different kinds but sunmaid is a good brand). if they apricots are not sweet, add sugar; i mean, who can resist sugar?! The cool thing about making tarts is that you can do it with any fruit you want! if apricot is not your thing, then add peaches, strawberries, or rasberries! any sweet fruit i can almost guarantee would taste amazing! this treat is something fun to make with family and friends! when you are inside on a hot summer day, this treat is fun and easy to make; not to mention tastey;) also, this treat is good for parties, kickbacks, holidays, food gift bags, and midnight snacks! p.s, you can always have them for breakfast as well!

Also, this recipe is not very expensive which is a plus and it feeds a lot of mouths. you can always double the ingredients to make enough to last for days!
Like i said, i grew up making these yummy treats. when i was looking up the recipes, i did not realize how many different recipes for apricot tarts there was. even though i do mine a little differently, either way you are still going to get the tangy taste of the tarts with the bread crust! once you take those bad babies out of the oven, cut the middle and stick some butter in it for it to melt... heaven! let it cool of and take a bite! not going to lie, i can eat about 6 of those puppies in a row! probably not healthy, but hey it is enjoyable!

Try them out, and remember you can use any other fruit if you are not a apricot fan!

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