Monday, May 2, 2011


Thank you, StumbleUpon, for yet another inspirational culinary website! This one's called FoodPairing. It's a college kid's cooking dream in that it lets you search recipes based on a specific ingredient and what other foods and flavors pair well with it.

Believe it or not, I still had some good, usable lemons left over after those lemon bars a while back, and was desperate to put them to good use last week. When I searched FoodPairing, I looked specifically for foods that a) I happened to have laying around, and b) I knew would be pretty easy to whip up. Some of the compatible ingredients the search gave me: roasted chicken, cilantro, honey, Venezuelan milk chocolate and carrots. I know I just made roasted lemon chicken not too long ago...but let's face it, it was delicious enough the first time to convince me to do it again. I couldn't say no; especially since some people in my building just so happened to have some honey and carrots they didn't mind surrendering (as much as I love cilantro, I wasn't willing to walk all the way to Safeway for it; and as far as the chocolate, I'm really more of a dark chocolate person).

So I threw some chicken breasts in a Ziploc with honey and lemons, let it sit in the fridge a few hours, and let it roast away with carrots and olive oil at 375 degrees until cooked through. Lo and behold, it was deeeelicious.

Needless to say, no more random leftover ingredients will go to waste in the future.

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