Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh, McDonalds...

I for one have been recently enjoying the big McDonalds scandal about people trying to petition McDonalds to stop advertising with Ronald McDonald. It's pretty hilarious. Of course, McDonalds wouldn't stop using their trademark character. But what I think is funny is that McDonalds markets to elementary school kids mostly. Elementary school kids can't go to McDonalds with out the assistance of their parents. So really, the parents that are complaining about the advertising to their children are the ones that have to give in and say, "Ok. lets go get McDonalds!" Not that smart. I, for one, stopped eating McDOnalds when my parents stopped taking me there. I haven't been back since. I don't know any college students who frequent McDonalds. So maybe McDonalds should start advertising more to the real suckers: the parents!

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